Orvis Trout

     In an interview, Gene Roddenberry, creator of “Star Trek”, said that the half-Vulcan, half-human Spock was never intended to be a part of the cast. Roddenberry said he just showed up one day and wouldn’t leave until he was included.
     Well, it just so happens that I also have an imaginary friend, Orvis Trout, who showed up one day and refused to leave until I brought him into existence. We have had a long and turbulent friendship. He has figured prominently in a host of newsletter articles. Since I began this blog, he is back and is demanding to be a part of this blog.
     I tried to explain to him that this is about the spiritual side of fly fishing and the last I knew, in spite of his name, he did not fly fish. He assures me that not only does he fly fish but that he is a much better philosopher that I am. Both remain to be seen.
     For instance, he asked me if I had been fishing lately? I told him there was some sort of cosmic conspiracy keeping me from fishing. The weather is bad, cold and rainy; the water is too high; by the time the sun shines, the water is still too high, when the water goes down it gets cold and rainy once again.
     I could tell by the smirk on his face that I was in for another of Orvis’ poignant mini-lectures. I was not wrong.
     “I hear there are fish on the golf course,” he said. “Tried there, yet? Water doesn’t get too high there.” My silence said it all.
     Without another word, Orvis reminded me that I had not exhausted all the possible fishing places regardless of the weather. In other words, without actually saying it, he reminded me that I can get a little lazy sometimes. I tend to shy away from challenges and take the easy route; which usually ends up with a complaint.
     He’s right – though I would never admit it to him – it’s easier to complain than it is to roll up your sleeves and do something. It’s easier to not try and thereby risk failure than it is to try and at least gain a little experience.
     Now you know why the friendship between my fictitious friend, Orvis and me is so turbulent.
     Welcome back, Orvis.
     May God bless us all.


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