Spiritual Stretching 

          Have you ever heard of Iliotibial Band Syndrome (ITBS)? Well neither had I until this week. It seems that is why I am having so much pain in my leg.

          There is a band of fibrous tissues that runs down the leg, like the seam in trousers. When that gets tight, it can affect all the muscles from the hip to the ankle.

          Here’s the odd part. The most common cause is running. I can’t remember the last time I ran for anything! After a little research, I found out that the reason runners get ITBS is from always running on the same side of the road. You see, most roads are crowned; that is, they slope from the middle to each side so water can run off. By always running on the same side of the road eventually one leg gets longer than the other.  

          Wearing the boot from my foot surgery for so long has created the same situation as running along the same side of the road.

          That got me to thinking . . .

          Sometimes out habits cause us to fall into a rut. We do things the same way for so long that we eventually “tighten up” and are resistant to change. Even if that change would be good for us and not good for us if we didn’t change.

          Let’s suppose that a Christian takes on a worldly habit. Nothing we could consider major, just a habit that leads away from Christ. The longer the Christian practices that habit, the more that habit becomes a part of the Christian until it causes some real spiritual damage.

          The only way to treat ITBS is by stretching. Over time (I hope) the stretching will untighten the IT band and the pain will cease.

          And so it is with trying to shake a bad habit. We have to “stretch” our spiritual selves. There are some great ways to do that. My advice is to ask God to help you with it. Look at it like it is “spiritual” therapy and God is your therapist.

          A new year lies before us. It’s a great time to do some “stretching.” If I can help you with it in any way, don’t hesitate to contact me.

          May God bless you mightily!


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